
RSA has the strongest product offering of any multinational marine insurer

Cargo on ship

We offer a wide range of marine insurance covers and risk management solutions covering all types of risks.


Our hull offering covers ship-owners and operators of vessels of all sizes. RSA is also the leading insurer for shipyards worldwide.

  • Hull and machinery
  • Ancillary covers / loss of hire
  • Total loss interests
  • War risks
  • Builders' risk, conversion risks and ship repairers' liabilities


Our cargo offering includes cover for all types of cargo including stock throughput and project cargo including advanced loss of profits caused by start-up delays.

  • Worldwide underwriting and technical support
  • Worldwide policy documentation and risk transfer premiums in UK and overseas
  • Worldwide claims and recoveries management
  • Worldwide risk management capability

Project Cargo

Billions of dollars of project-critical equipment and heavy lifts are shipped around the world annually

High levels of risk are associated with these shipments due to the nature of the cargo, complex transport logistics, and tight time-frames to avoid production losses.

We’ve got extensive experience in this area, working closely with specialists around the world.



  • Logistics
  • Ports and terminals
  • Marine liabilities
  • Subsea and maritime equipment
  • Marine Trades
  • Cargo
  • Third party legal liabilities
  • Errors and omissions
  • Equipment
  • Vessels
  • Dockside property
  • Marine structures.

We can provide:

  • Contract review
  • Transport planning
  • Risk management support
  • Compliant insurance placement with local polices whenever required
  • State of the art claims handling
  • Recovery negotiations with contracting partners of our clients and sharing of non-prescriptive ‘loss learning’ findings.

We have the appetite, know-how and financial strength to provide cargo cover including:

  • Delay in start-up
  • Consequential loss cover

Francis Libert

Marine Underwriting Leader


t: +32 479 55 19 18

Peter Verhesen

European Marine Leader
